Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 30 - A Month of Gratitude

Day 30 in this month of 30 days to a thankful heart. How did you do? A friend who joined me in the challenge messaged me last night to tell me that her heart has been so much more joyful since she has been intentional in her gratitude. That's awesome!

And I have to agree with her.

Gratitude is a heart changer. It takes the moments and things we usually complain about, and refocuses us. When we realize how much we are blessed, how much we really don't need, and how much God is in control, our heart changes from one of negativity to one of gratitude.
Today, I'm thankful I took the challenge, but this challenge is far from over. I began this challenge with every intention of a permanent heart change. However, that will take intentionality on my part to continue to be thankful in all things. Jesus is about transformation, not temporary change. Just as a caterpillar enters a cocoon and emerges changed forever, so the Lord desires to do with us. He is worthy of our praise, and I don't credit Him nearly enough.

Habit builds character. I want my character to say that I have a joyful, thankful heart instead of constantly complaining and wanting that which I don't have. Let this month of thankfulness set the stage for a new beginning. Will you join me?

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