Monday, March 5, 2012

Dream Big - Celebrate Milestones

Mrs. Baird's Bread was my favorite place once every six weeks as a kid. We didn't have sugar in our house so trips to this sweet smelling haven highlighted every report card day. We each picked a treat, barely waiting to tear into it until it was paid for. Each bite was its own reward.

At the time, each grade was a celebration of hard work and a job well done. Much like the smallest accomplishments were rewarded as children, every milestone on the way to our dreams should be celebrated, as well. Last week, I talked about setting goals to achieve our dreams. This week, it's time to party!

For all the writers/readers out there, you know that every chapter must begin with a great hook and end with a bang that makes you want to keep reading and see what's next. Tomorrow, I will celebrate the ending of a chapter in my life and the beginning of another.

For those who follow me on Facebook or have kept up with me the last couple of years on my blog, my journey has consisted of one part time job after another. Each was a blessing from the Lord for that particular season. Each provided me with the ability to write my book and spend a year in a class that trained and equipped me.

I have enjoyed the flexibility of acting when creativity strikes me. But, all that is about to change. On Leap Day, I signed the acceptance for a full time job with First Baptist Dallas as the new writer for the Communications team. I will end my last day as a nanny tomorrow and begin a new adventure on Wednesday. Those who have journeyed with me celebrated the answer to prayer after several years of uncertain direction. But never for a second was the Lord not in control.

My dreams haven't changed. This job will allow me to pursue them in a greater and more effective fashion than I can currently accomplish. I celebrated the completion of my book. I celebrated the interest of agents and editors at my Colorado conference. My life is about to change in a big way, and I celebrate what the Lord will do. I'm excited about the ability to expand the gift the Lord has given me, as well as minister and hopefully make an impact in the lives of a different audience. Goals that go unrecognized rarely bring motivation or a sense of a job well done. Monotony and pushing through without the acknowledgement of success or change stifles a dream rather than breathing new life into it. Don't get so caught up in achieving your dream that you overlook the victories along the way.

I can't wait to get started. Welcome to my new chapter! I can't wait to see what the Lord has up His sleeve. He clearly writes a better story than I could ever hope to pen. I pray you will journey with me. And, I pray you will stop to celebrate the answers to prayer and the successes along the red carpet to your dreams.

How can you celebrate a recent event in your life? What do you need to do to spur you on to the next step in pursuing your dreams?


  1. Congratulations, Kariss Best wishes for your success  Lyndie

  2. really encouraging! so often we are so focused on the end goal that we don't celebrate the little successes. thanks for that! 

  3. Congratulations on your new position, Kariss. I know you will do well there and I believe God will use you and your gifts and talents to reach more people for His kingdom.
    And I agree with you about celebrating the milestones on our way to fulfilling our dreams. His plan calls for obedience and a step of faith at each stage of His plan for us. He is awesome and rewards our diligently seeking Him.
