Friday, April 19, 2013

Five Minute Friday - Jump

It's easier said than done. That moment you are standing at the edge, looking over, knowing that once your feet leave the ground, your life will forever change. It takes courage and possibly a little craziness.

The jump is rarely safe. It's a lot like falling in love or moving states or letting go of something you've held onto for years. Total release. Total loss of control. Knowledge that you could get hurt, this may not work, something could go wrong.

But you jump anyway, because the idea of staying where you've always been is worse than the unknown. It's stale and predictable, and we are called to live lives of adventure.

So much in life is changing. A book deal, friendships, job responsibilities. I'd love to climb from the platform and run back the other way where it's safe. But back-tracking never benefited anyone. And I have people at my back holding me in place. They won't let me run.

So I stand with my toes clinging to the edge, heart racing, and hands shaking, knowing that the jump changes everything.

To jump or not to jump...I'm still hanging on.


  1. This "But you jump anyway, because the idea of staying where you've always been is worse than the unknown. It's stale and predictable, and we are called to live lives of adventure." Oh this spoke volumes to me...the idea of staying where I've always been is truly worse than not knowing. Thank you for this perspective!

  2. "But you jump anyway, because the idea of staying where you've always
    been is worse than the unknown. It's stale and predictable, and we are
    called to live lives of adventure." I totally understand this. The adventure is so much better than what we're already used to. Cheering you on as you go {In Pursuit} of God's dreams for you.

  3. Thank you! The encouragement is a blessing!

  4. Braving this adventure with you! Glad you stopped by!

  5. Easier said than done, but I'm working on it!
