Monday, October 22, 2012

Dream Big - What Are You Waiting For?

No matter how many times I edit my stories or poems, I continually discover typos, misspelled words, and grammatical errors. SO frustrating! I have noticed this many times after the story is published or submitted to a contest.

Last year, I finished my first novel, and I'm currently working on book 2. I edited that first manuscript until I could hardly see black, then I sent it to a professional editor, thinking it was pretty clean.

Yeah right. That would have been too easy.

It came back with even more red marks. Epic fail for this perfectionist. I immediately read through it. What in the world did I miss? Apparently, quite a bit. Amazing what others can see in our lives from a distance that we are unaware of up close and personal.

So, I did another few rounds of edits. By the time the manuscript went to the publishers, I couldn't count how many times I had read that book. I just knew I was tired of it. My agent said that's how she knew it was ready to go. Thank goodness!

Truth is, I poured countless hours, prayers, tears, and laughter into that book. It carries a piece of me that I forced to expand, grow, and spread wings, and fly. From caterpillar to butterfly. But even as I stuck it in the mail, I wondered if I could have done more.

You will never fully be ready for your dreams. One day, they will arrive, and even after all your careful preparation, you will discover how much you have left to learn. Our dreams are journeys. They aren't perfect, they don't happen without hard work, but don't get stuck on the flaws. DIVE IN! Pursue them with all your heart, knowing that they will never be perfect. "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." (Colossians 3:23)

The praise of others often falls short when I continue to look at my work with a critical eye. I see the flaws. It came from my own head and heart, after all. I'm so thankful that the Lord looks at me, knows my flaws, and stamps me COMPLETE in Him. He paid a price for my mistakes, my self-criticism, my controlling nature, and my fear of failure. On the cross, He declared that the need to cling to all those wrong attitudes is FINISHED. Time to stop waiting and move forward in faith in the pursuit of your dreams.

You'll never fully be ready. Just dive in. 

I took the challenge. I finally penned "The End."

1 comment:

  1. Kariss, what an inspiring and encouraging blog. I must be about there with "Roped" if tiredness of the manuscript is any measure. And yes, for those of us who have perfectionist tendencies, it's hard. Congratulations, dear sister, for a job well done. Can't wait to read your words.

