Friday, January 1, 2010

How Deep

Hello and Happy New Years from, well, somewhere in Eastern Arkansas. I am back and reunited with my amazing family from last summer. Somehow it seems appropriate to bring in the new year with a group of people that walked through the highs and lows of God breaking me and teaching me surrender. Not easy and I am so much more grateful for them for sticking through it. But enough on that.

2009 was a rough year. Definitely a year of learning brokenness and surrender and seeing the beauty that comes out of chaos. So much of this year I would never wish to redo. God took me through the mountains and the desert and though I have grown and my heart has been softened, I would never wish to redo it. Needless to say, I have looked forward to this day with a lot of anticipation. A new start, new possibilities, and new adventures just waiting to be pursued one day at a time.

As I have started this new year and even for the last few weeks, the Lord has been teaching me the gentleness of His love. God is described in Hebrews 12:29 as "an all-consuming fire." Can you imagine that? His love for you is so amazing that He is described as fire. Now there is a guy that is hot! Ha bad joke but still. So this year, my desire is to understand the gentleness, intimacy, and all-consuming, all-encompassing love of the God who created me uniquely. I believe when we understand that, then fear, insecurity, and complacency flee. It is amazing to me that I find in the Lord everything I crave in human companionship, and it makes me wonder why I would ever seek anything else.

So as I meditate on His amazing love these lyrics have been on my heart. I pray that as you read them, you will see the sweet love that your Savior has for you and that if you don't know Him, you will understand that He came to seek and save and loves you because He created you so uniquely!

"How deep the Father's love for us,
how vast beyond all measure
that He should give His only Son
to make a wretch His treasure."

You are His treasure! And I pray that you curl up in His arms this year and accept and acknowledge the depth of His love for you!

Loving His love,

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