I've never accomplished a significant task on my own, and I've never experienced a significant moment without people dear to me nearby.
It's the moment a song we wrote as fourteen-year-olds becomes a song we can still sing together in our twenties and the coffee dates span years of acne and immaturity to young adulthood.
It's the people I learned to march in sync with. The ones who knew the bitterness of defeat and the sweetness of a state championship.

It's the crew who taught me to love and laugh and be at home in a west Texas town so foreign to my city roots.
It's the strangers who became family and taught me how to open my heart again. The ones who loved me at my worst and encouraged me back to my best.
It's the ladies who stuck out tough conversations, breakups, fights, and built solid friendships that we call COMMUNITY.
It's the team who serves by my side every Tuesday night, pushing me to be better, love well, be strong, and never shy away from the tough conversations.
It's the women walking a new stage of life with me now, never afraid to ask the tough questions that make me search my heart and lean into the Lord.
It's the team of mentors, professors, agents, and editors who believe in me and work to make my dream a reality to touch lives with my passion.
It's the family who's always been there and knows my heart well. The church family that raised me. The one that stands by me now.
My life is shaped by the beauty of people's influence. Life is better TOGETHER.
Linking up with a fun group of writers over at Lisa-Jo's.

It's the people I learned to march in sync with. The ones who knew the bitterness of defeat and the sweetness of a state championship.

It's the crew who taught me to love and laugh and be at home in a west Texas town so foreign to my city roots.
It's the strangers who became family and taught me how to open my heart again. The ones who loved me at my worst and encouraged me back to my best.

It's the team who serves by my side every Tuesday night, pushing me to be better, love well, be strong, and never shy away from the tough conversations.
It's the women walking a new stage of life with me now, never afraid to ask the tough questions that make me search my heart and lean into the Lord.
It's the family who's always been there and knows my heart well. The church family that raised me. The one that stands by me now.
My life is shaped by the beauty of people's influence. Life is better TOGETHER.
Linking up with a fun group of writers over at Lisa-Jo's.