I'm learning lessons in a crazy season...
Lesson 5: I am reminded on this Easter Sunday that God's grace is amazing.
I fell asleep last night in awe of what I have seen the Lord do in the lives of those close to me. Grace is incredible. In the past year, I have seen some of the most amazing people come from the hardest circumstances. And it has bred beautiful hearts!
I've seen prostitutes become passionate proclaimers of Jesus Christ. Those who have suffered abortion become beautiful vessels of God's healing. Drug addicts hit the streets to share the gospel. Sex addicts become passionate about purity.
I've seen two parent homes join together to be as God intended. Single mothers unite with men who love them and their children as Christ loved the church. I have seen the legalistic and entitled become gracious. The prideful become humble.
The angry and hurt find peace. The searching find Christ. The abused and neglected find a loving Father. The lukewarm blaze with fire.
There is LIFE in Jesus. None of these people left their old life on their own. They found something better. It may be the most quoted verse in the Bible, but it captures the love of the Father for us.
"For God so LOVED the world, that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
My pastor often says that he would take an army of new believers into battle any day over a handful of "experienced" believers. These newbies remember very clearly what their life was like before Christ. When Jesus changes a heart, He changes it completely. It is a lifelong growing process, but man, it's beautiful. May we never forget His sacrifice on the cross. What greater love exists than a man laying His life down to save the life of another?
On this Easter Sunday, I am so thankful that Jesus loved me enough to die for me, for my family, my friends, the world. I am in awe. Happy Easter!
"That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation."