I used to be quiet. I never voiced an opinion unless I was surrounded by my closest family and friends. For those who know me now, that's hard to believe. For those who knew me then, I speak a little differently now.There was a time when my friends fought over my voice. One discovered I have a sarcastic edge and did his best to nurse it to health. The other discovered subdued opinions and encouraged them to life.
In college, I overcompensated a bit, sometimes struggling to find that line between blunt and honest while seasoning every word with salt. Turns out that seasoning gave my voice a strength and flavor all its own.
I still don't have it mastered, but I know who made my mouth. I know who gave me a voice, and I know He told me to use it well, all for His glory. So I take delight in using this tool God gave me. I exercise it like any other muscle, making it submissive to the heart of my Father. I want Him to approve. I want to make Him proud.
Some days taste a little salty than others. Other days, it's a little bland. But, I'm constantly learning the balance. Turns out my voice is unique to me. My opinions, my heart, and my thoughts are treasured by the King.
He even gives me words to say when my voice goes silent. I pray my voice finds its source of strength in the One who spoke the world into being. Only then will I truly use this platform effectively.