So let’s spend our five minutes of writing today, sharing about COMMUNITY. Fight it, love it, hate it, hurt or healed by it, we were
certainly built for it.
Set a timer and just write. Don’t worry about making it just right or not.
We couldn't be more different. Yet, every Wednesday we land in the same apartment on the same street in the same city that we have for the past 2 years.
And, it's another version of "home."
We no longer knock. The door's always open. Dress clothes or sweat pants, sweaty, work-out clothes or heels and pencil skirts - we curl up on the couch, cry, laugh and dig in to the only thing that gets us through our crazy, beautiful weeks.
The Word is our mainstay. Our second thing in common.
Over the last 2 years, we've grown in our differences and discovered more similarities - same taste in guys, a love of food, and a preference for FRIENDS.
Some are no longer with us. Others have joined the crew. We morph, we change, but we continue to grow. Our stagnant stages are met with ferocious opinions to fight harder, grow stronger, be better.

Community isn't pretty. Like the clothes we wear through the door, the relationships and experiences we each bring to the table, and our many differences, community is messy. It isn't a pretty package. It's raw, sincere, frustrating, and beautiful.
The command isn't to make everyone FEEL better but to encourage one another to BE better. Community- pushing each other when we want to quit and loving one another through it.
These women influence my life every week, and I'm so thankful!
Linked with the Gypsy Mama.
Set a timer and just write. Don’t worry about making it just right or not.
We couldn't be more different. Yet, every Wednesday we land in the same apartment on the same street in the same city that we have for the past 2 years.
And, it's another version of "home."
We no longer knock. The door's always open. Dress clothes or sweat pants, sweaty, work-out clothes or heels and pencil skirts - we curl up on the couch, cry, laugh and dig in to the only thing that gets us through our crazy, beautiful weeks.
Over the last 2 years, we've grown in our differences and discovered more similarities - same taste in guys, a love of food, and a preference for FRIENDS.
Some are no longer with us. Others have joined the crew. We morph, we change, but we continue to grow. Our stagnant stages are met with ferocious opinions to fight harder, grow stronger, be better.
Community isn't pretty. Like the clothes we wear through the door, the relationships and experiences we each bring to the table, and our many differences, community is messy. It isn't a pretty package. It's raw, sincere, frustrating, and beautiful.
The command isn't to make everyone FEEL better but to encourage one another to BE better. Community- pushing each other when we want to quit and loving one another through it.
These women influence my life every week, and I'm so thankful!
Linked with the Gypsy Mama.